Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Graey Throng Test Scheme (Plus Cannon)

So, these were the very first models I received when I made my bulk dwarf purchase...and I immediately went about testing colors and mixes and shades. I think I finally found what I wanted, save one detail. I will cover that at the end.

Kazak-Graey's first Cannon and Crew:
So The dwarf scheme. I went with a heavily agrax earthshade washed Waaagh Green for the cloth. Black for boots, gloves, cuffs. Ironbreaker for the metal bits, a leather for the leather. The wood is a mix of like 5 browns in different layers. The skin was a leather, washed with agrax, then a 50% blend of leather and a dwarf skin tone, then washed again. Overall I was super pleased with the skin. And also...I think I am very happy with this as being my color scheme.

The one thing I am unhappy about, the "stone" carriage for the cannon. I wanted a mottled, stony look that would resemble a dappled granite or some such. I don't think it looks BAD, but I am not completely happy with it.

If you have any ideas for getting a stone look, please comment below. Thanks.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Banners of Kazak-Graey

The Graey Throng has been under rapid assembly. My first focus has been a test group of dwarves to test color schemes, and then the identifying models of the army. THE BANNERS!  One of the biggest differences to me between the fantasy world and the 40k world is the banners. I love how each unit can have a standard bearer and I wanted to put a lot of mind towards those.

So I haven't fully completed any, but I have finalized the majority of the assembly and just had to show them off. To the bannerdwarves!

This is the BSB to the left, and the banner of my Longbeards to the right. The dwarf BSB is pretty awesome on its own but I spent a lot of time thinking about how to do the other banners. I decided to go with 3d relief banners based on bits from the sprues. Its simple and I think it looks great.
The two Dwarf Warrior block banners. I decided to go with the pointed tip banners for all melee units, the squared off banners will be ranged. The banners are simpler, as the unit is not the more elite such as the elaborate longbeards. I could have done Great Weapon axes because that is how I did my warriors...but shields looked better I think.
The thunderer banner on the left. The original icon was taken from the Battle for Skull Pass thunderer bits. On the right is the more simple GW Quarreler unit banner.
On the left is my new second unit of quarrelers' banner. I couldn't do the same, so I did an unloaded crossbow and made a little bolt quiver. On the right is the miner banner. They have a pretty nice banner all by itself, all I had to do was add the pick and a stick of dynamite.
And ALL TOGETHER now. These are the eye catchers of my throng. Dwarves don't go out with all fancy monsters and machines and stuff, even our cannons are small. The standards are where the focus is. Can't wait to get these all painted up.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Drowning in Dwarfs

So, most of the guys at my game shop already know this, but in addition to my already formidable tau and black templar armies...I picked up a third. This time it's in warhammer fantasy, and I may have gone a bit overboard.

Most people start an army small and build up unit by unit. In fact that is how I built up my Templars and tau. But not this time. This time I had NTC coming and being gone from the hobby for the next month and a half only meant I had like 4 paychecks for minis all at once. I found great deal after great deal and soon had a whole dwarf army before I even started assembling them.

How big an army? 200 dwarves. Exactly 200. Only cost me a total of around $380 so I wasn't kidding when I said I got them at great prices. Anyhow, I got pdf copy of the codex while I was waiting for my hardcover to arrive back home, then I spent the next month and a half in the desert writing out army plans so I could immediately start assembling when I got back. And now I am back...and here is what I have:

  • Dwarf Lord on Oathstone
  • Runelord with Rune Staff
  • Thane with BSB
  • Slayer
  • 27 Longbeards - 3 metal full command and 24 cloak bodies (BSB will attach)
  • 30 Dwarf Warriors - Great Weapons
  • 30 Dwarf Warriors - Great Weapons
  • 12 Dwarf Warriors - Hand Axes and Shields (Auxiliaries to Longbeards)
  • 20 Quarrelers - With Great Weapons
  • 20 Quarrelers - With Great Weapons
  • 14 Thunderers - With Shields
  • 28 Miners - With a Blasting Charge and Steam Drill
  • 2 Cannons - Crew plus Engineer (8 total)
  • 2 Organ Gun - Normal crew (6 total)
  •  Master Engineer - Kitbashed from last crewmember and bits 
So there I am, a whole dwarf army. Just recently started and my thumbs already have the cut up pleasure to prove it. Further posts will have pictures of the units as I progress and I will even do a basing tutorial for the cobblestone them I am going for, trays included.