Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lack of New Pictures

Maybe I am not the best at updating this little blog. My camera has taken a turn for the worse. Something inside has busted and it wont autofocus anymore. And whenever I try to focus it manually it kind of grinds inside the lens and the  pics turn out crap. That being said, I have taken SOME pics of the work I have been up to with my phone, but they are not as good.

So update on the Throng. I bought a box of Ironbreakers/Irondrakes. I turned ten into drakes and made them up. I was not a fan of the brass instrument, so I made a drummer because I love the drums in my units. I also had to heavily convert some old bits to make a real banner for the drakes. Other than that they are pretty normal...just took off the shoulderpads for all but the champion. It makes him stand out more, and with the rest of my army in the chainmail look...the shoulderpad-less drakes fit in way better.

I then went and eBay'd 10 more bodies to put together a small group of ironbreakers. I had all the other bits so saved like 15 bucks there. Also made a custom banner for them. I am thinking about shoulderpads only on the champion as well, but the shield and unique axe make him obvious enough that I may do them all.

Ok, so for the only good pictures I have right now. My bare-assed slayer. This is by far one of my favorite models I have ever painted. Was chuckling the entire time. And to boot, he is actually pretty decent in game as a dragon slayer. When he does so-so...he is still fun to play. And when he does well...oh my god does he do well. Played a game of Blood and Glory (break point mission) against some brets and he charged in and killed the general and BSB in 2 turns. Just slaughtered them. The little guy won the game by himself. Master Rune of Alaric the Mad is CRAZY good. Oh well, here he is.

Yeah, so as always let me know what yall think. I love this little guy. The guys at my shop named him Cody. After another player in the group who displays...slayer-like qualities, including general crazy eyes. 

As soon as I get the money for a better camera I will once again take more pictures. Mostly though, its just been painting models I have already started in the throng. If I get anything new and impressive I will of course post it.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Full Karak-Graey Throng

It has been months since I gotten all of these little stunties, and I put ALL of these little ones together way back then, primed them...and was sort of Dwarfed out for a while. But I'm back with my squatty friends. So here is everything that I am working with. This will be a longer, picture heavy post. LOTS of works in progress here. Lets start with the characters.

**Note: I don't think these get bigger, so if you want to see the REALLY close up versions of all my work, including these guys, I keep all my WH40k and WHFB photos at DakkaDakka

Link to my Gallery there: **

Dwarf Lord on Oathstone

My Dwarf Lord still needs one last layer of lighter skin tones. Trying to get the mix right. I will also be lightening the stone and maybe doing something to make the runes pop out.

Runelord / Runesmith

The Runelord/smith is complete and sealed. My favorite model so far out of all my dwarfs.
Thane with BSB

The BSB was hard, but a lot of fun to paint. Very minor touch ups are left. He is just about as complete as I will make him.

I have been toying with the idea of the bright orange hair, but with bright green highlights to show some of the hold colors.
Master Engineer

This model was from the old old set with 1 piece as-is dwarfs. I liked the special wrench, so I gave him a pistol and an artillery emblazoned shield to make him my MASTER Engineer.

Ok, so now that the characters are done, here is a few of the whole throng on the table. And then we will get down to my unit blocks.


These guys are all going to have white beards, but more than that, they will also ALL have cloaks. I pulled all of the cloak bodies out of my core blocks, excluding command teams, just to give these vets the better looking bodies. Really makes them stand out from behind. Plus these are the sword and board guys...sorry axe/hammer and board.
Warrior Block 1
Warrior Block 2
Quarreler Block 1
Quarreler Block 2
Pony Cavalry

I had been talking to shop buddies and jokes kept arising about pony cavalry. And I just happened to have a few spare bits of...everything, including a bunch of ponies. So here they are, a rank of 5 of the rare Pony Cav Troop.
Cannon 1
Cannon 2
Organ Gun 1
Organ Gun 2

So that is the entirety of my dwarf collection as it stands. Hopefully in a year I can come back and look at all these pictures and remember what these guys looked like in a lot of black. Because I want to get this army in color within a year or so. As always, let me know what you think below, thanks.

Explaining the Absence

Army life is the life for me. Unfortunately, being active duty military can be...rough on my gaming schedule. I have still been gaming, even if it has been lighter than usual. So that is where I have been these last few months, just very busy.

On a high note however, I have gone from lightly gaming to lightly gaming AND modelling again. I will break down everything that I have on my Gaming Desk right now.

* The shop is getting more and more into Warhammer Fantasy Battles (at last)
* Just played 2x 500 point Dwarf games against Lizardmen and High Elves. Both were very close and very fun.
* This upcoming Saturday I have a 3000 Point battle against High Elves coming up, so I am mustering up nearly the full Throng.

* I just finished my Dwarf Lord on his Oathstone, and my Thane with BSB. Pics coming soon as I seal them.
* I am hating all my black primed dwarves, so the units will ALL be getting the primary colors (Green) and metal for their armor and weapons at a minimum. Just to break up the black. I will do a full throng picture of before and after.

* I am making like 30 something MDF bases for terrain for a friend, which means terrain craziness soon to come.
* I have a 3 building complex that can be together or apart. Its in the ruined 40k theme and the final touches are happening now as well. So my few readers will see the terrain skills I have.
* I have completed the entry ramp to my Dwarf Fortress. All that is left is painting the spare sprue bits I have tacked on to make it extra dwarfy. I will put up a WIP shot soon.
* And what I am MOST excited for is for some REAL HAMMERERS!!! GW just put up the pre-orders for them and I have to kick myself not to immediately buy a 40 block of them. They look THAT awesome...I just dont have the 200 bucks for them. Oh god the prices :( I WILL get them eventually, but for the moment I have PLENTY to paint, so it may be a while.

Anyways, that is it for now...sorry for the long absence, but Isean Grey is still in the game.